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What is an OK notebook?

Assessment for Learning for our schools. The meeting was chaired by Ms Magda Grochowiak-Feldman and Ms Asia Prokopowicz - CRS2 coordinators at Gaudeamus schools. During the meeting, Mrs. Magda and Mrs. Asia focused on introducing teachers to the methods of skilful implementation during the lesson - goals, success criteria, feedback and observations. Thanks to such meetings, our teachers have the opportunity to exchange observations on the implementation of IA in the classrooms where they teach. They can also share their perspective related to the specificity of teaching the subjects they teach, which is very important to us! ————————————————————————————— We are OK and we develop with our students in mind! #GaudeTeam


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Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 92% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 72%)

Matematyka 85% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 97% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 76% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 74%)

Matematyka 84% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 96% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 67% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 73% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 90% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 73% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 93% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 97% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)