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"Detective Music Box" - G. Kasdepke

Detective Music Box by G. Kasdepke is a fantastic starting point for interesting lessons where everyone will have a great time. The students of class II, knowing that the detective has recently had few orders, decided to help him and create an advertisement that would attract more customers, and allow the detective to solve their puzzles. The teacher played the role of Music Box manager and was tasked with buying the best advertisement. The students set up their advertising agencies and set about creating the best advertisements.   

The next task was to present the selected hero's adventure in the form of a comic book or animation using selected web 02 tools. Students chose different tools, for example: https://www.toonytool.com/, some created in regular Pait, and others in Scratch. Working with reading will be interesting if we allow children to be creative and do not follow the usual patterns in the form of tests and worksheets. We present posters advertising the Music Boxes agency.


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Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 92% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 72%)

Matematyka 85% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 97% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 76% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 74%)

Matematyka 84% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 96% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 67% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 73% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 90% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 73% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 93% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 97% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)