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Open Day at Gaudeamus Józefosław - 10 December

On behalf of Director Sylwia Dąbrowska, we cordially invite you to visit our Gaudeamus Bilingual School in Józefosław. We have already started recruitment for kindergarten and first grade for the 2023/2024 school year. We also keep supplementary enrollment for classes II-VIII for the 2022/2023 school year. 

If you are looking for a school where:

  • Your child will be immersed in English every day,
  • science is interesting and inspiring,
  • there is an atmosphere of respect and empathy,

meet Gaudeamus!

We cordially invite you to the Open Day!

When? On Saturday December 10at 10.00-12.00.

Where? Józefosław, ul. Ogrodowa 20 B

What's in the program?
For children: participation in specially prepared activities for them.
For parents: conversation with the principal, visiting the school.

How to sign up?
Interested parents, please contact the school office and apply for participation:

  • Tel. 690 999 126
  • e-mail: jozefoslaw@szkola-gaudeamus.pl 

See you later!



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Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 92% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 72%)

Matematyka 85% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 97% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 76% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 74%)

Matematyka 84% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 96% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 67% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 73% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 90% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 73% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 93% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 97% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)