Grades IV-VIII
Od czerwca 2022 roku posiadamy honorowy tytuł „Szkół uczących się” przyznawany szkołom, które do swojej praktyki wprowadziły: cele lekcji, kryteria sukcesu, informację zwrotną oraz samoocenę i ocenę koleżeńską. Miejscom w których, nauczyciele koncentrują się na tworzeniu strategii i wprowadzaniu zmian nastawionych na poprawę efektów uczenia się uczniów.
We know what we learn and for what.
We are informed about what will be assessed.
We learn from each other and turn on
into the assessment process.
Parents ask us what we've learned
and not what grades we got.
Grades IV-VIII
We are OK - We judge by supporting
For Learning Assessment is a frequent, interactive evaluation of a learner's progress and understanding of material, to determine how the learner is going to learn and how best to teach him. Assessment for Learning is an effective way to motivate, activate and involve all learners in the learning process. It allows for active involvement of weaker, shy students, those who "don't want to". It is the philosophy of the teacher's approach to the student.
When entering Grading
Our teachers are supported by a team of trainers from the Center for Citizenship Education. As part of the Whole School Development program, our schools implement elements such as lesson objectives, success criteria and feedback into their practice. Teachers also focus on creating strategies and implementing changes aimed at improving students' learning outcomes.
Why Learning Assessment (OK)?
We know what we learn and for what.
We are informed about what will be assessed.
Key questions
We answer the questions they force
us to think.
Feedback encourages us to learn and helps us learn.
Peer assessment
We learn from each other and turn on
into the assessment process.
Cooperation with parents
Parents ask us what we've learned
and not what grades we got.
Our mission is JOY - LEARNING - and PASSION. We believe that learning about the world is all about the joy of discovering a mystery, achieving a goal, and overcoming obstacles. We do everything we can to make LEARNING at our school the most wonderful adventure that leads to learning about the world, seeing its beauty, and understanding what it is like. We help students discover their PASSIONS so that they can pursue their goals with enthusiasm....
contact us
Bemowo Headmaster
Józefosław Headmistress
Edukacja Domowa
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Our facilities
Students of the Józefosław school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski 85.7%
Matematyka 94%
Język angielski 98.2%
Students of the Bemowo school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski 84%
Matematyka 72%
Język angielski 93%
Students of the Bemowo school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski: 84%
Matematyka: 72%
Język angielski: 93%
Język polski 85,7%
Matematyka 94%
Język angielski 98,2%