Elections to the student council are often the first opportunity to express an opinion on a matter that is important for students. The way they are organized will determine the motivation to engage in public affairs in adulthood. We show students that their voice matters and encourage them to express their opinion. That is why today in our school elections for the chairman of the student council took place. Maksymilian from class 5a won, and Zosia from class 8c became the vice-president. Congratulations and we keep our fingers crossed for the entire student council‼ ️

Bilinguis – Stowarzyszenie Szkół Dwujęzycznych
VI Ogólnopolski Zjazd Szkół Dwujęzycznych już za nami!!! 5 grudnia w naszej szkole Gaudeamus Bemowo odbyło sie jedyne w swoim rodzaju spotkanie dyrektorów i nauczycieli