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Open Day in Gaudeamus Józefosław - November 19

Dear Parents!
Recruitment to kindergarten and first grade for the 2023/2024 school year at Gaudeamus Józefosław Bilingual School is underway. We are also conducting supplementary recruitment for grades II-VIII for the school year 2022/2023. 

If you are looking for a school where:

  • Your child will be immersed in English every day,
  • science is interesting and inspiring,
  • there is an atmosphere of respect and empathy,

Meet Gaudeamus!

We cordially invite you to the Open Day!

When? On Saturday, November 19, from 10.00-12.00.

Where? Józefosław, ul. Ogrodowa 20 B

What's in the program?
For children: participation in specially prepared activities for them.
For parents: conversation with the principal, visiting the school.

How to sign up?
Interested parents, please contact the school office and apply for participation:

  • Tel. 690 999 126
  • e-mail: jozefoslaw@szkola-gaudeamus.pl 

See you later! 



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Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 92% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 72%)

Matematyka 85% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 97% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 76% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 74%)

Matematyka 84% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 53%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 67%)

Język angielski 96% punktów (średni wynik w Polsce: 66%, średni wynik w Warszawie: 81%)

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 67% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 73% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 90% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Polish 73% points (average score in Poland: 60%, average score in Warsaw: 64%)

Mathematics 93% points (average score in Poland: 57%, average score in Warsaw: 62%)

English 97% points (average score in Poland: 67%, average score in Warsaw: 72%)