Our mission is to educate responsible and resourceful people who build their relationships on mutual respect. We believe that we learn best from those with whom we create relationships that are filled with care and respect, supporting independence.
Grades IV-VIII
Our mission is to educate responsible and resourceful people who build their relationships on mutual respect.
We believe that we learn best from those with whom we create relationships that are filled with care and respect, supporting independence.
Therefore, in Gaudeamus:
contact us
Bemowo Headmaster
Józefosław Headmistress
Edukacja Domowa
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Students of the Józefosław school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski 85.7%
Matematyka 94%
Język angielski 98.2%
Students of the Bemowo school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski 84%
Matematyka 72%
Język angielski 93%
Students of the Bemowo school
In the national ranking, they scored on average:
Język polski: 84%
Matematyka: 72%
Język angielski: 93%
Język polski 85,7%
Matematyka 94%
Język angielski 98,2%