Education of classes IV-VIII

We build relationships - we teach cooperation

Our mission is to educate responsible and resourceful people who build their relationships on mutual respect. We believe that we learn best from those with whom we create relationships that are filled with care and respect, supporting independence.

Therefore, in Gaudeamus:

  • we build a positive, emotional bond with the school in every student
  • we base our actions on relationships, bonds and a sense of security, we give choices - instead of issuing orders
  • we gain for cooperation - instead of exercising control
  • we eliminate penalties and rewards - for problem solving and discussion
  • we teach courage to think, self-confidence based on skills, mutual help based on empathy
  • we respect the right of students to be treated with the same respect as adults
  • we follow the principle of simultaneous politeness and firmness
  • we teach perseverance by using encouragement instead of praise
  • we allow you to discover your own competences and abilities
  • We replace commands with questions full of curiosity - developing motivation, cooperation and critical thinking skills.

Standardy Ochrony Małoletnich

Grades IV-VIII


We build relationships
- we teach

Our mission is to educate responsible and resourceful people who build their relationships on mutual respect.  

We believe that we learn best from those with whom we create relationships that are filled with care and respect, supporting independence.

Therefore, in Gaudeamus:

  • we build a positive, emotional bond with the school in every student
  • we base our actions on relationships, bonds and a sense of security, we give choices - instead of issuing orders
  • we gain for cooperation - instead of exercising control 
  • we eliminate penalties and rewards - for problem solving and discussion
  • we teach courage to think, self-confidence based on skills, mutual help based on empathy
  • we respect the right of students to be treated with the same respect as adults
  • we follow the principle of simultaneous politeness and firmness
  • we teach perseverance by using encouragement instead of praise
  • we allow you to discover your own competences and abilities
  • We replace commands with questions full of curiosity - developing motivation, cooperation and critical thinking skills.

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 85.7%

Matematyka 94%

Język angielski 98.2%

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 84%

Matematyka 72%

Język angielski 93%

Students of the Bemowo school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski: 84%

Matematyka: 72%

Język angielski: 93%

Students of the Józefosław school

In the national ranking, they scored on average:

Język polski 85,7%

Matematyka 94%

Język angielski 98,2%