In our schools, students keep an OK notebook. Are you wondering how it helps in your daily learning?
At the beginning of the class, teachers give the purpose of the lesson, for example: "I can write a birthday invitation". Thanks to this, students know what they will learn today.
Then we set the students success criteria, i.e. NACOBEZ - we talk about what we will pay attention to during our work. Thanks to this, children know at the beginning of the lesson what they should remember and then they will know that they have achieved their goal.
Finally, the students talk or write about what they remember best from the lesson.
An important aspect of the notebook's OK is also the fact that the students do not receive feedback from the teacher for their grades and they know what they did well and what else they should work on to fully master the material and properly prepare for the test.
Remember that keeping an OK notebook is an individual matter for each student - children choose on their own how they keep their notes.
The notebook does not have to be nice, it should first of all help the student LEARN and remember the most important information from the lesson.
Bilinguis – Stowarzyszenie Szkół Dwujęzycznych
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