Socks have become a part of our school for good. Grade II bit into the subject and discussed The Amazing Adventures of Ten Socks. It turned out that a sock can become an actor, detective and even a politician, and one who changed the world for the better‼ ️ We came to the topic of happiness from socks. What is? What makes us happy? And you know something We all make something else happy, but we found something that makes us all equally happy, namely: FAMILY and time spent with her.
Bilinguis – Stowarzyszenie Szkół Dwujęzycznych
VI Ogólnopolski Zjazd Szkół Dwujęzycznych już za nami!!! 5 grudnia w naszej szkole Gaudeamus Bemowo odbyło sie jedyne w swoim rodzaju spotkanie dyrektorów i nauczycieli